Sunday, February 7, 2016

Be like Peyton, Be like Jesus

As the countdown to the kickoff of the BIG game - Super Bowl 50 - rolls merrily along, I find myself thinking about things that normal people don't probably think about on game day.  I'm thinking about Peyton Manning's wife and his children; I'm thinking about Coach Kubiak's stroke recovery and what must be going through his mind; I'm thinking about Cam Newton's faithful momma and how proud she must be; and I'm thinking about Wade Phillips and John Elway and Pat Bowlen and what this game means to each of them.  I'm thinking about all of the players on BOTH sides (yes, Carolina Panthers are people, too) and I'm thinking about my relationship with my Savior, Jesus Christ.

"Say what?  Football makes you think about the Savior?" you ask.  "Pray tell...why?"

It's not so much football, I guess, as it is Peyton Manning.  (He is the man of the hour in Denver fandom, but if you're a Carolina fan, you're welcome to think about Cam.)  There is not a single day that goes by that Peyton Manning is not a football player.  When he wakes up on Monday morning, he's a football player, Tuesday - football player, Wednesday - still a football player, etc., etc., etc.  Everything he does and every decision he makes in his whole life centers around being a football player.  And not just any old football player, but one of the best quarterbacks the NFL has ever known.

Sometimes, he wins and he wins BIG.  Sometimes he loses and honestly, when he does, he blows it BAD... but that doesn't change the fact that he is still a football player.  He knows that whether he wins or loses, he still has decisions to make and he still needs to follow all of the rules necessary to become a better football player.  He doesn't work hard to say that he's better than Tom Brady or Brett Farve or John Elway; he works harder to say that he is better than he was yesterday.

I am NOT a football player... and I don't even play one on TV; but I AM a disciple of Christ and to me, it's a little bit the same.

Each and every day, I am a follower of Christ.  I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and I do my very best to do what my Savior would have me do.  I don't put my faith on a shelf and take it out every once in awhile, I exercise it and use it every day.  When I wake up on Monday morning, I'm a disciple.  Tuesday - disciple, Wednesday - still a disciple, etc., etc., etc.  I try my very best to make every decision in my life according to the commandments and expectations of my Savior, Jesus Christ.

Sometimes, I do a great job and I am floating near the top of the mountain.  Sometimes, I really blow it and I make horrible mistakes and I wonder how I could have been so wrong... but that doesn't change the fact that I am still a daughter of God and I am forgiven and I can try again. I know that whether I make good choices or bad, I am loved eternally by a loving Heavenly Father and by my perfect Savior.

Just like there are certain expectations placed upon Peyton Manning as a football player, there are also certain expectations placed upon those who choose to follow the Gospel of Jesus Christ and who choose to call themselves by His name (Christians).  Peyton can't pick and choose which days he wants to be a football player and which days it doesn't suit him.  In order to be the best version of himself, he must choose to follow the rules every day.  Peyton cannot play only one day a week and expect to be the best football player on the field.  The same is true with my faith.  I cannot choose which days I will be kind or compassionate or which days I will love my neighbor and forgive and just be a good person.  As a human, I may make mistakes along the way, but I cannot expect to simply enter the church one day a week and have that be the extent of my discipleship.

"If ye love me keep my commandments." John 14:15 

He has made it pretty clear, "keep my commandments."  Not every once in awhile or when it's convenient, but always... just keep them.  Just like Peyton Manning and his goal to be the best football player that he can be, I want to be the best Lisa that I can be and the best disciple possible.  It's not always easy, but I do love my Savior and I do want to do all that I can to follow and emulate Him.  And I strive to do it every day - not only on Sunday.

Seek after good things, 


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